RPE, Part 2: In this epsiode, we continue to explore RPE. We discuss RPE for stretching, and then get into the big subject of food, hunger and satiety. Because talking about food in a fitness context often brings up questions related to weight loss, we talk about strategies for weight loss as well. We finish …
Monthly Archives: September 2019
Episode 11: RPE, Part 1
RPE, Part 1: RPE ("Rate of Perceived Exertion" or "Rate of Perceived Experience") is a big subject, and in this and the next several episodes, we explore it in depth. In this episode, we discuss RPE in the areas of strength-training and cardio. Our conversation takes us into areas as diverse as Buddhism, the energetic …
Episode 10: The Water We Swim In (Change the World, Part 1)
The Water We Swim In: In this episode, we talk about the energetic background in our world–what we call "the water we swim in." Our exploration leads us through discussions about several different types of breath, a conversation about the #MeToo movement, and a brief examination of the energetic reverberations of one of the great …
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Episode 9: Change Yourself
Change Yourself: In this episode, we take our first dive into "the art of changing the world" by discussing how change has to start with the one thing we can truly control–ourselves.