Episode 19: Thriving During the Holidays

Thriving During the Holidays: Whenever I’m doing the edits on an episode and I exclaim to myself, "This is really useful material!" I know we’ve done good work. In this episode, we talk about various tactics and strategies we can deploy to not just survive but actually thrive during the holiday season, from Thanksgiving through …

Episode 18: Energy Shielding and the Water We Swim In

Energy Shielding and the Water We Swim In: This episode is about using shielding to more effectively navigate the Water We Swim In. Right now in the world there’s a strong vibration of chaos, anxiety and fear, and many of us are feeling deeply overwhelmed. Shielding gives us a tool to deal with the challenges …

Episode 17: Energetic Center and Energy Shielding

Energetic Center and Energy Shielding: This is a very important episode. In this episode, we discuss energy shielding, as a means to protect ourselves from negative energy. We begin our discussion by talking about how to find and expand energetic center, which is necessary in order to shield. We then move on to a discussion …